Ontology visits

(February 2025)

# name visits
1 A lexicon of water related textual and geophysicla data - Un lexique de données textuelles et géophysiques sur l'eau (LEXEAU) 351
2 Thesaurus of Plant Characteristics (TOP) 211
3 SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Domain Model (SPO-FDM) 175
4 SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Nutrition Data (SPO-FND) 118
6 INRAE Thesaurus (INRAETHES) 100
7 AnaEE Thesaurus (ANAEETHES) 62
8 DEMETER Agriculture Information Model (DEMETER-AIM) 49
9 PO2/TransformON (TRANSFORMON) 43
10 OntoBiotope (ONTOBIOTOPE) 37
11 Agriculture Product Types Ontology (APTO) 32
12 Agronomy Ontology (AGRO) 32
13 Plant Ontology (PO) 30
14 agINFRA Soil Vocabulary (SOIL) 24
15 Plant Phenotype Experiment Ontology (PPEO) 24
16 National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (NALT) 23
17 Thesaurus Agrícola Nacional (THESAGRO) 22
18 French Crop Usage thesaurus (Classification des plantes cultivées en France en fonction des usages) (CROPUSAGE) 18
19 Groundnut Ontology (CO_337) 18
20 Soil Food Web Ontology (SFWO) 17
21 BBCH-based Plant Phenological Description Ontology (PPDO) 17
22 Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology (WHEATPHENOTYPE) 16
23 UMLS Semantic Network (STY) 16
24 Animal Health Ontology for Livestock (AHOL) 16
25 Dairy Cattle Performance Ontology (DCPO) 15
26 Plant Trait Ontology (TO) 14
27 FoodOn (FOODON) 14
28 Crop Research Ontology (CO_715) 14
29 AgrOntology (AGRONTOLOGY) 14
30 Ontology of units of Measure (OM) 13
31 Potato Ontology (CO_330) 13
32 Common Greenhouse Ontology (CGO) 13
33 Process and Observation Ontology (PO2) 12
34 Plant Breeding Ontology (PBO) 12
35 Ontology for Experimental Phenotypic Objects (OEPO) 12
36 Ontology of Experimental Events (OEEV) 12
37 Food Classification and Description System (from FSA Food Type identifiers) (FOODEX2) 12
38 Environment Ontology (ENVO) 12
39 BioAGgressor Ontology (BAGO) 12
40 Agriculture and Forestry Ontology (AFO) 11
41 Agricultural Experiments Ontology (AEO) 11
42 Matter Transfer Ontology (TRANSMAT) 10
43 Ontology for Food Processing Experiment (OFPE) 10
44 National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Organismal Classification (NCBITAXON) 10
45 Soil organic carbon storage and agricultural practices modeling (CSOPRA) 10
46 Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology (C3PO) 10
47 Aquatic Food Ontology (AQFO) 10
48 Agri-Food Experiment Ontology (AFEO) 10
50 Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology (PECO) 9
51 Milk Oligosaccharide Thesaurus - HoloOLIGO project (MILKOLIGO) 9
52 GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) 9
53 Terminology of French bread descriptors (ASCOPAIN-T) 9
54 Thesaurus for Animal Physiology and Livestock Systems (TRIPHASE) 8
55 Agroecology Thesaurus (THESAE) 8
56 Solanaceae Phenotype Ontology (SPTO) 8
57 Livestock Health Ontology (LHO) 8
58 Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) 8
59 Wheat Ontology (CO_321) 8
60 Biodiversity Thesaurus (BIODIVTHES) 8
61 Animal Natural History and Life History Ontology (ADW) 8
63 Relations Ontology (RO) 7
64 OntoAgroHidro (ONTOAGROHIDRO) 7
65 Ontology for Experimental Scientific Objects Core (OESO-CORE) 7
66 The Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE) 7
67 Grapevine Anatomy Ontology (GAO) 7
68 Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock (ATOL) 7
69 Wheat Taxa Gold Standard (WHEAT_TAX) 6
70 Phenotype And Trait Ontology (PATO) 6
71 Indicative Crop Classification (ICC) 6
72 Environment Ontology for Livestock (EOL) 6
73 Environmental Biorefinery Ontology (EBO) 6
74 Biorefinery (BIOREFINERY) 6
75 Vertebrate Trait Ontology (VT) 5
76 Vocabulário controlado de geoinformação (VOCGEO) 5
77 Soy Ontology (SOY) 5
78 SAREF4AGRI: an extension of SAREF for the agriculture and food domain (SAREF4AGRI) 5
79 Open Predictive Microbiology Ontology (OFSMR) 5
80 Agroecology Knowledge Management (GECO ontology) (GECO) 5
81 Thesaurus to define land management practices in agriculture and forestry for soil carbon storage (DATA4CPLUS) 5
82 Vitis Ontology (CO_356) 5
83 BigDataGrapes Ontology (BDG) 5
84 Agriculture and Livestock Metadata Elements Set (ALM) 5
85 Agri-food vocabulary (AGFOOD) 5
86 WhatToMake Individuals Ontology (WTM-IO) 4
88 Variation Ontology (VARIO) 4
89 Units of Measurement Ontology (UO) 4
90 Rice Treatment Ontology (TREATO) 4
91 Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN) 4
92 Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator Ontology (SOSA) 4
93 Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO) 4
94 Plant Phenology Ontology (PPO) 4
95 Meat Thesaurus (MEAT-T) 4
96 French Crop Usage Ontology (FCUO) 4
97 Ontology of bioscientific data analysis and data management (EDAM) 4
98 Oat Ontology (CO_350) 4
99 Multi-Crop Passport Ontology (CO_020) 4
100 Cell Ontology (CL) 4
101 AgronomicTaxon (ATC) 4
102 ASFA Thesaurus (ASFA) 4
104 Taxonomic Rank Ontology (TAXRANK) 3
105 Sustainability Core Ontology (SCO) 3
106 Smart Applications REFerence ontology (SAREF) 3
107 Plant Stress Ontology (PSO) 3
108 Plant Diversity Ontology (PDO_CAS) 3
109 Population and Community Ontology (PCO) 3
110 Ontology for the management of Wine Sensory analysis Descriptors (OWSD) 3
111 Multi-scale Multi-step ontology (MS2O) 3
112 Milk Microfiltration Ontology (MICROFILTRATION) 3
113 Food Safety Monitoring Ontology (FSO) 3
114 Plant Environment Ontology (EO) 3
115 Environmental Conditions, Treatments and Exposures Ontology (ECTO) 3
116 Catalogue des produits phytopharmaceutiques et de leurs usages, des matières fertilisantes et des supports de culture autorisés en France (E-PHY) 3
117 Darwin-SW (DSW) 3
118 DECIDE ontology (DECIDE) 3
119 Brachiaria Ontology (CO_345) 3
120 Sorghum Ontology (CO_324) 3
121 Cerrado Concepts and Plant Community Dynamics (CCON) 3
122 Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) 3
123 Animal Disease Ontology (ANDO) 3
124 Whisky Ontology (WHISKY) 2
125 Ontobiotope_Use (USE) 2
126 Unambiguous Characterization of Sensory Experiences Ontology (UC_SENSE) 2
127 SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Taxonomy Model (SPO-FTM) 2
128 Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO) 2
129 Plant Experimental Assay Ontology (PEAO) 2
130 Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA) 2
131 Irrigation Ontology (IRRIG) 2
132 Gene Ontology (GO) 2
133 Global Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS) 2
134 FOODIE Core Ontology (FOODIE) 2
135 Flora Phenotype Ontology (FLOPO) 2
136 Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology (FALDO) 2
137 Blueberry Ontology (CO_371) 2
138 Quinoa Ontology (CO_367) 2
139 Woody Plant Ontology (CO_357) 2
140 Yam Ontology (CO_343) 2
141 Beet Ontology (CO_333) 2
142 Coconut Ontology (CO_326) 2
143 Rice Ontology (CO_320) 2
144 Bacterial interlocked Process ONtology (BIPON) 2
145 Biological interlocked Process Ontology for metabolism (BIPOM) 2
146 Biological Collections Ontology (BCO) 2
147 WhatToMake Food Classification (WTM-FC) 1
148 WhatToMake Base Ontology (WTM-BO) 1
149 Wine Ontology (WINE) 1
150 Sequence Types and Features Ontology (SO) 1
151 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Ontology (SNPO) 1
152 Socio-Economic Ontology (SEONT) 1
153 SAREF4ENVI: an extension of SAREF for the environment domain (SAREF4ENVI) 1
155 Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology (REPO) 1
156 Protein Ontology (PR) 1
157 Barley Trait POLAPGEN Ontology (POLAPGEN_BARLEY) 1
158 Poultry Farm Energy Efficiency Prediction Semantic Assistant Ontology (PFEEPSA) 1
159 Ploutos Common Semantic Model (PCSM) 1
160 Ontology for Nutritional Studies (ONS) 1
161 Ontologie du jardinage des plantes (OJP) 1
162 Linked Land Governance Thesaurus (LANDVOC) 1
163 Finnish Names of Plants Ontology (KASSU) 1
164 Isotopes for Food Science Ontology (ISO-FOOD) 1
165 Gramene Taxonomy Ontology (GR-TAX) 1
166 GoMapMan - proteins (GMM_P) 1
167 Food-Biomarker Ontology (FOBI) 1
168 Fish Ontology (FISHO) 1
169 Durum Wheat (DURUM_WHEAT) 1
170 Fababean Ontology (CO_365) 1
171 Cotton Ontology (CO_358) 1
172 Mungbean Ontology (CO_346) 1
173 Pigeon Pea Ontology (CO_341) 1
174 Chickpea Ontology (CO_338) 1
175 Pearl Millet Ontology (CO_327) 1
176 Maize Ontology (CO_322) 1
177 Wheat Plant Anatomy and Development Ontology (CO_121) 1
178 CoSWoT Core ontology (COSWOT) 1
180 Crop Disease (CD) 1
181 Context-Aware System Ontology (CASO) 1
182 Beverage Ontology (BEVON) 1
183 Ontology for Meteorological Sensors (AWS) 1
184 Agricultural and Nutrition Technology Ontology (ANT) 1
185 XEML Environment Ontology (XEO) 0
186 Rice Diseases Ontology (RICEDO) 0
187 Livestock Product Trait Ontology (LPT) 0
188 Livestock Breed Ontology (LBO) 0
189 INIA Research Datasets (INIA-RDM) 0
190 InfraRisk Ontology (INFRARISK) 0
191 GoMapMan - metabolites (GMM_M) 0
192 Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology (GFVO) 0
193 Plant Gall Ontology (GALLONT) 0
194 Food Product Ontology (FPO) 0
195 Forest Products Classification and Definitions (FPCD) 0
196 Food Ontology in Owl (FOWL) 0
197 Food Ontology (FOOD) 0
198 Food Matrix for Predictive Microbiology (FMPM) 0
199 Wine Descriptors Ontology (FLAIR) 0
200 Food Item Ontology (FIO) 0
201 EPPO Code Ontology (EPPO) 0
202 DataFoodConsortium - Business Ontology (DFC-B) 0
203 Crop Vocabulary (CVO) 0
204 Apple Ontology (CO_370) 0
205 Sainfoin Ontology (CO_369) 0
206 Bambara Groundnut Ontology (CO_366) 0
207 Sugar Kelp Ontology (CO_360) 0
208 Sunflower Ontology (CO_359) 0
209 Brassica Ontology (CO_348) 0
210 Castor Bean Ontology (CO_347) 0
211 Cowpea Ontology (CO_340) 0
212 Lentil Ontology (CO_339) 0
213 Soybean Ontology (CO_336) 0
214 Common Bean Ontology (CO_335) 0
215 Cassava Ontology (CO_334) 0
216 Sweet Potato Ontology (CO_331) 0
217 Banana Ontology (CO_325) 0
218 Barley Ontology (CO_323) 0
219 Banana Anatomy (CO_125) 0
220 Corine Land Cover Nomenclature (CLC) 0
221 Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology (CDNO) 0
222 Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO) 0
223 Bohlmann Ontology (BOHLMANN) 0
224 Agriculture Activity Ontology (AAO) 0