Groups and Categories
"In AgroPortal, ontologies are organized in groups and tagged with categories. Typically, groups associate ontologies from the same project or organization for better identification of the provenance. Whereas categories are about subjects/topics and enable to classify ontologies. As of 2016, AgroPortal's categories were established in cooperation with FAO AIMS. In 2024, we moved to UNESCO Thesaurus ( Groups and categories, along with other metadata, can be used on the “Browse” page of AgroPortal to filter out the list of ontologies."
Consortium of Agricultural Biological Databases (AGBIODATA)
21 ontologies
AgBioData is a consortium of agricultural biological databases which strive to identify common goals relating to data set acquisition, display, user retrieval and manipulation; data, software and hardware standards, and database best practices. See more...
Caliper - Statistical Classifications in a Linked Open World (CALIPER)
3 ontologies
Caliper is a website, a suit of tools and a methodology for the management, dissemination and use of statistical classifications: See more...
Data to Knowledge in Agronomy and Biodiversity (D2KAB)
34 ontologies
Ontologies and other semantic resources co-developed during the ANR D2KAB (2019-2024) project or maintained by project members. See more...
29 ontologies
This group includes ontologies currently available within the platform. See more...
11 ontologies
The SemanDiv working group contributes to the resolution of semantic heterogeneity in the thematic field of biodiversity. See more...
Resources exclusively on AgroPortal (EXCLU)
0 ontologies
Ontologies and other semantic resources that are only hosted on AgroPortal and no other OntoPortal-based catalogue. See more...
Embrapa's Agrotermos conceptual space (AGROTERMOS)
3 ontologies
(to come) See more...
Crop Ontology Curation Tool (CROP)
42 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies that form the Crop Ontology and currently available within the platform. See more...
National research institute for agriculture, food and the environment (INRAE)
57 ontologies
This group includes INRAE ontologies. See more...
Planteome (PLANTEOME)
15 ontologies
This group includes includes all the ontologies used within the Planteome ( database. See more...
Wheat Data Interoperability working group (WHEAT)
17 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies used by the RDA Wheat Data Interoperability working group. See more...