The French ANR project "Data to Knowledge in Agronomy and Biodiversity" D2KAB ( has created a framework to turn agronomy and biodiversity data into knowledge –semantically described, interoperable, actionable, open– and investigate scientific methods and tools to exploit this knowledge for applications in science & agriculture. One of the five driving scenarii of D2KAB was to publish on the Web of Linked data an archive of French agricultural alert bulletins, called Plant Health Bulletins (Bulletins de Santé du Végétal). To annotate the bulletins using crop diseases and pests, we need a new semantic resource. Several ontologies and knowledge graphs already exist on the subject, but they do not cover all our needs. We have therefore developed a new knowledge graph about "BioAGgressor of GrapeVine" (BAG-GV), populating the BioAGgressor Ontology (BAGO). This new knowledge graph was developed using the results of entity extraction tool AlvisNLP applied on a set of Plant Health Bulletins of grapevine. The KG was then validated by human experts.
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This knowledge graph was build during the D2KAB project. The goal is to model all the living organisms involved in grapevine plant disease appearance. The graph and its documentation represent the point of view of some french researchers from differents institutions: French Institute of Vine and Grapevine (IFV), INRAE., The Knowledge Graph on BioAGgressor of GrapeVine (BAG-GV) was build during the D2KAB project. The goal is to model all the living organisms involved in grappevine disease appearance and pests. The graph and its documentation represent the point of view of some french researchers from differents institutions: French Institute of Vine and Grapevine (IFV)
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Initial created on
January 30, 2025.
For additional information, contact
Catherine Roussey (
IFV web page called "fiches pratiques" of the IFV Occitanie Center
the book second edition of the OIV descriptor list for grape varieties and vitis species, Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV), 232 pages, 2022,
Pierre-Henri Dubuis (coordination), Aurélie Gfeller, Lina Künzler, Patrik Kehrli, Christian Linder, Jean-Sébastien Reynard, Christophe Debonneville, Jean-Laurent Spring, Vivian Zufferey, Kathleen Mackie-Haas. Guide phytosanitaire pour la viticulture 2021–2022. Agroscope Transfer N°370 janvier 2021.
INRAE web site ephytia:
book Phil Taylor. Plantwise Diagnostic Field Guide: A tool to diagnose crop problems and make recommendations for their management,, CABI, 2015, 118 pages,
Projects and usage information
Projects using BAG-GV
No projects using BAG-GV
Methodology and provenance
The fields Knowledge representation paradigm, Engineering methodology, Created with, Accrual method, Accrual periodicity... are empty