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agINFRA Soil Vocabulary (SOIL)
Agri-Food Experiment Ontology (AFEO)
Agri-food vocabulary (AGFOOD)
Agricultural and Nutrition Technology Ontology (ANT)
Agricultural Experiments Ontology (AEO)
Agriculture Activity Ontology (AAO)
Agriculture and Forestry Ontology (AFO)
Agriculture and Livestock Metadata Elements Set (ALM)
Agriculture Product Types Ontology (APTO)
Agroecology Knowledge Management (GECO ontology) (GECO)
Agroecology Thesaurus (THESAE)
AgronomicTaxon (ATC)
Agronomy Ontology (AGRO)
AnaEE Thesaurus (ANAEETHES)
Animal Disease Ontology (ANDO)
Animal Health Ontology for Livestock (AHOL)
Animal Natural History and Life History Ontology (ADW)
Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock (ATOL)
Apple Ontology (CO_370)
Aquatic Food Ontology (AQFO)
ASFA Thesaurus (ASFA)
Bacterial interlocked Process ONtology (BIPON)
Bambara Groundnut Ontology (CO_366)
Banana Anatomy (CO_125)
Banana Ontology (CO_325)
Barley Ontology (CO_323)
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)
BBCH generic scales (PPD-GEN) [view]
BBCH phenological scale of stone fruit (PPD-STF) [view]
BBCH phenological scales of cereales (PPD-CR) [view]
BBCH phenological scales of leaf vegetables forming heads. (PPD-LVFH) [view]
BBCH phenological scales of olive tree (PPD-OLT) [view]
BBCH phenological scales of pome fruit (PPD-POF) [view]
BBCH phenological scales of root and stem vegetables (PPD-RSV) [view]
BBCH solanaceous fruits scales (PPD-SOL) [view]
BBCH-based Plant Phenological Description Ontology (PPDO)
Beet Ontology (CO_333)
Beverage Ontology (BEVON)
BigDataGrapes Ontology (BDG)
BioAGgressor Ontology (BAGO)
Biodiversity Thesaurus (BIODIVTHES)
Biological Collections Ontology (BCO)
Biological interlocked Process Ontology for metabolism (BIPOM)
Biorefinery (BIOREFINERY)
Biorefinery domain ontology (PO2-BIOREFINERY) [view]
Blueberry Ontology (CO_371)
Bohlmann Ontology (BOHLMANN)
Brachiaria Ontology (CO_345)
Brassica Ontology (CO_348)
Cassava Ontology (CO_334)
Castor Bean Ontology (CO_347)
Catalogue des produits phytopharmaceutiques et de leurs usages, des matières fertilisantes et des supports de culture autorisés en France (E-PHY)
Cell Ontology (CL)
Cerrado Concepts and Plant Community Dynamics (CCON)
Chickpea Ontology (CO_338)
Coconut Ontology (CO_326)
Common Bean Ontology (CO_335)
Common Greenhouse Ontology (CGO)
Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO)
Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology (CDNO)
Context-Aware System Ontology (CASO)
Corine Land Cover Nomenclature (CLC)
CoSWoT Core ontology (COSWOT)
Cotton Ontology (CO_358)
Cowpea Ontology (CO_340)
Crop Disease (CD)
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Admin (C3POADMIN) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Crop Management (C3POCM) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Parameter (C3POPARAM) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Plant (C3POPLANT) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Plot (C3POPLOT) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Supply (C3POSUPPLY) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Time (C3POTIME) [view]
Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology - Vocabulary (C3POVOC) [view]
Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology (C3PO)
Crop Research Ontology (CO_715)
Crop Vocabulary (CVO)
Dairy Cattle Performance Ontology (DCPO)
Darwin-SW (DSW)
DECIDE ontology (DECIDE)
DEMETER Agriculture Information Model (DEMETER-AIM)
Durum Wheat (DURUM_WHEAT)
Environment Ontology (ENVO)
Environment Ontology for Livestock (EOL)
Environmental Biorefinery Ontology (EBO)
Environmental Conditions, Treatments and Exposures Ontology (ECTO)
EPPO Code Ontology (EPPO)
Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO)
Fababean Ontology (CO_365)
Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology (FALDO)
Finnish Names of Plants Ontology (KASSU)
Fish Ontology (FISHO)
Flora Phenotype Ontology (FLOPO)
Food Classification and Description System (from FSA Food Type identifiers) (FOODEX2)
Food Item Ontology (FIO)
Food Matrix for Predictive Microbiology (FMPM)
Food Ontology (FOOD)
Food Ontology in Owl (FOWL)
Food Product Ontology (FPO)
Food Safety Monitoring Ontology (FSO)
Food-Biomarker Ontology (FOBI)
FOODIE Core Ontology (FOODIE)
Forest Products Classification and Definitions (FPCD)
French Crop Usage Ontology (FCUO)
French Crop Usage thesaurus (Classification des plantes cultivées en France en fonction des usages) (CROPUSAGE)
Gene Ontology (GO)
GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET)
Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology (GFVO)
Global Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS)
GoMapMan - metabolites (GMM_M)
GoMapMan - proteins (GMM_P)
Gramene Taxonomy Ontology (GR-TAX)
Grapevine Anatomy Ontology (GAO)
Green Deal Information Model (GDIM) [view]
Groundnut Ontology (CO_337)
Guide des produits de protection des cultures utilisables en Agriculture Biologique en France (ITAB) [view]
Indicative Crop Classification (ICC)
InfraRisk Ontology (INFRARISK)
INIA Research Datasets (INIA-RDM)
Irrigation Ontology (IRRIG)
Isotopes for Food Science Ontology (ISO-FOOD)
Knowledge Graph on BioAGgressor of Grapevine (BAG-GV) [view]
Lentil Ontology (CO_339)
Lexique bilingue des données géophysiques et textuelles sur l'eau (LEXEAU-FR) [view]
Linked Land Governance Thesaurus (LANDVOC)
Livestock Breed Ontology (LBO)
Livestock Health Ontology (LHO)
Livestock Product Trait Ontology (LPT)
Maize Ontology (CO_322)
Matter Transfer Ontology (TRANSMAT)
Meat Thesaurus (MEAT-T)
Milk Microfiltration Ontology (MICROFILTRATION)
Milk Oligosaccharide Thesaurus - HoloOLIGO project (MILKOLIGO)
Multi-Crop Passport Ontology (CO_020)
Multi-scale Multi-step ontology (MS2O)
Mungbean Ontology (CO_346)
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (NALT)
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus Animal Welfare Concepts (NALT-AWIC) [view]
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus Core (NALT-CORE) [view]
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus Taxonomic names (NALT-TAXON) [view]
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Organismal Classification (NCBITAXON)
Oat Ontology (CO_350)
Ontobiotope_Use (USE)
Ontologie du jardinage des plantes (OJP)
Ontology for Experimental Phenotypic Objects (OEPO)
Ontology for Experimental Scientific Objects Core (OESO-CORE)
Ontology for Food Processing Experiment (OFPE)
Ontology for Meteorological Sensors (AWS)
Ontology for Nutritional Studies (ONS)
Ontology for the management of Wine Sensory analysis Descriptors (OWSD)
Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA)
Ontology of bioscientific data analysis and data management (EDAM)
Ontology of Experimental Events (OEEV)
Ontology of units of Measure (OM)
Open Predictive Microbiology Ontology (OFSMR)
Pearl Millet Ontology (CO_327)
phenological scales of grapevine (PPD-GV) [view]
phenological scales of pea (PPD-PEA) [view]
Phenotype And Trait Ontology (PATO)
Pigeon Pea Ontology (CO_341)
Plant Breeding Ontology (PBO)
Plant Diversity Ontology (PDO_CAS)
Plant Environment Ontology (EO)
Plant Experimental Assay Ontology (PEAO)
Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology (PECO)
Plant Gall Ontology (GALLONT)
Plant Ontology (PO)
Plant Phenology Ontology (PPO)
Plant Phenotype Experiment Ontology (PPEO)
Plant Stress Ontology (PSO)
Plant Trait Ontology (TO)
Ploutos Common Semantic Model (PCSM)
Population and Community Ontology (PCO)
Potato Ontology (CO_330)
Poultry Farm Energy Efficiency Prediction Semantic Assistant Ontology (PFEEPSA)
PO² Dairy gels (PO2_DG) [view]
Process and Observation Ontology (PO2)
Protein Ontology (PR)
Quinoa Ontology (CO_367)
Relations Ontology (RO)
Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology (REPO)
Rice Diseases Ontology (RICEDO)
Rice Ontology (CO_320)
Rice Treatment Ontology (TREATO)
Sainfoin Ontology (CO_369)
SAREF4AGRI: an extension of SAREF for the agriculture and food domain (SAREF4AGRI)
SAREF4ENVI: an extension of SAREF for the environment domain (SAREF4ENVI)
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN)
Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO)
Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator Ontology (SOSA)
Sequence Types and Features Ontology (SO)
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Ontology (SNPO)
Smart Applications REFerence ontology (SAREF)
SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Domain Model (SPO-FDM)
SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Nutrition Data (SPO-FND)
SmartProducts Network of Ontologies Food Taxonomy Model (SPO-FTM)
Socio-Economic Ontology (SEONT)
Soil Food Web Ontology (SFWO)
Soil organic carbon storage and agricultural practices modeling (CSOPRA)
Solanaceae Phenotype Ontology (SPTO)
Sorghum Ontology (CO_324)
Soy Ontology (SOY)
Soybean Ontology (CO_336)
Sugar Kelp Ontology (CO_360)
Sunflower Ontology (CO_359)
Sustainability Core Ontology (SCO)
Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO)
Sweet Potato Ontology (CO_331)
Taxonomic Rank Ontology (TAXRANK)
Terminology of French bread descriptors (ASCOPAIN-T)
The Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE)
Thesaurus Agrícola Nacional (THESAGRO)
Thesaurus for Animal Physiology and Livestock Systems (TRIPHASE)
Thesaurus of Plant Characteristics (TOP)
Thesaurus to define land management practices in agriculture and forestry for soil carbon storage (DATA4CPLUS)
UMLS Semantic Network (STY)
Un lexique de données textuelles et géophysiques sur l'eau (LEXEAU)
Unambiguous Characterization of Sensory Experiences Ontology (UC_SENSE)
Units of Measurement Ontology (UO)
Variation Ontology (VARIO)
Vertebrate Trait Ontology (VT)
Vitis Ontology (CO_356)
Vocabulário controlado de geoinformação (VOCGEO)
WhatToMake Base Ontology (WTM-BO)
WhatToMake Food Classification (WTM-FC)
WhatToMake Individuals Ontology (WTM-IO)
Wheat Ontology (CO_321)
Wheat Plant Anatomy and Development Ontology (CO_121)
Wheat Taxa Gold Standard (WHEAT_TAX)
Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology (WHEATPHENOTYPE)
Whisky Ontology (WHISKY)
Wine Descriptors Ontology (FLAIR)
Wine Ontology (WINE)
Woody Plant Ontology (CO_357)
XEML Environment Ontology (XEO)
Yam Ontology (CO_343)
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Acquired Abnormality (T020)
Activity (T052)
Age Group (T100)
Amino Acid Sequence (T087)
Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein (T116)
Amphibian (T011)
Anatomical Abnormality (T190)
Anatomical Structure (T017)
Animal (T008)
Antibiotic (T195)
Archaeon (T194)
Bacterium (T007)
Behavior (T053)
Biologic Function (T038)
Biologically Active Substance (T123)
Biomedical Occupation or Discipline (T091)
Biomedical or Dental Material (T122)
Bird (T012)
Body Location or Region (T029)
Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component (T023)
Body Space or Junction (T030)
Body Substance (T031)
Body System (T022)
Carbohydrate Sequence (T088)
Cell (T025)
Cell Component (T026)
Cell Function (T043)
Cell or Molecular Dysfunction (T049)
Chemical (T103)
Chemical Viewed Functionally (T120)
Chemical Viewed Structurally (T104)
Classification (T185)
Clinical Attribute (T201)
Clinical Drug (T200)
Conceptual Entity (T077)
Congenital Abnormality (T019)
Daily or Recreational Activity (T056)
Diagnostic Procedure (T060)
Disease or Syndrome (T047)
Drug Delivery Device (T203)
Educational Activity (T065)
Element, Ion, or Isotope (T196)
Embryonic Structure (T018)
Entity (T071)
Environmental Effect of Humans (T069)
Enzyme (T126)
Eukaryote (T204)
Event (T051)
Experimental Model of Disease (T050)
Family Group (T099)
Finding (T033)
Fish (T013)
Food (T168)
Fully Formed Anatomical Structure (T021)
Functional Concept (T169)
Fungus (T004)
Gene or Genome (T028)
Genetic Function (T045)
Geographic Area (T083)
Governmental or Regulatory Activity (T064)
Group (T096)
Group Attribute (T102)
Hazardous or Poisonous Substance (T131)
Health Care Activity (T058)
Health Care Related Organization (T093)
Hormone (T125)
Human (T016)
Human-caused Phenomenon or Process (T068)
Idea or Concept (T078)
Immunologic Factor (T129)
Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid (T130)
Individual Behavior (T055)
Injury or Poisoning (T037)
Inorganic Chemical (T197)
Intellectual Product (T170)
Laboratory Procedure (T059)
Laboratory or Test Result (T034)
Language (T171)
Machine Activity (T066)
Mammal (T015)
Manufactured Object (T073)
Medical Device (T074)
Mental Process (T041)
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048)
Molecular Biology Research Technique (T063)
Molecular Function (T044)
Molecular Sequence (T085)
Natural Phenomenon or Process (T070)
Neoplastic Process (T191)
Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide (T114)
Nucleotide Sequence (T086)
Occupation or Discipline (T090)
Occupational Activity (T057)
Organ or Tissue Function (T042)
Organic Chemical (T109)
Organism (T001)
Organism Attribute (T032)
Organism Function (T040)
Organization (T092)
Pathologic Function (T046)
Patient or Disabled Group (T101)
Pharmacologic Substance (T121)
Phenomenon or Process (T067)
Physical Object (T072)
Physiologic Function (T039)
Plant (T002)
Population Group (T098)
Professional Society (T094)
Professional or Occupational Group (T097)
Qualitative Concept (T080)
Quantitative Concept (T081)
Receptor (T192)
Regulation or Law (T089)
Reptile (T014)
Research Activity (T062)
Research Device (T075)
Self-help or Relief Organization (T095)
Sign or Symptom (T184)
Social Behavior (T054)
Spatial Concept (T082)
Substance (T167)
Temporal Concept (T079)
Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure (T061)
Tissue (T024)
Vertebrate (T010)
Virus (T005)
Vitamin (T127)
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Anatomy (ANAT)
Chemicals & Drugs (CHEM)
Concepts & Ideas (CONC)
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Disorders (DISO)
Genes & Molecular Sequences (GENE)
Geographic Areas (GEOG)
Living Beings (LIVB)
Objects (OBJC)
Occupations (OCCU)
Organizations (ORGA)
Phenomena (PHEN)
Physiology (PHYS)
Procedures (PROC)
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