Created by Elzeard, the Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology represents general informations about agroecological production. This module is about the general crop informations.
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Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology aims at representing vegetable farming crop management knowledge. The ontology is composed of several modules, each one representing specific domain of interest for vegetable agriculture planning
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Initial created on
February 27, 2023.
For additional information, contact
Baptiste Darnala ( and Florence Amardeilh (
Part of C3PO, the crop management module represents the agricultural practices and the planification of agriculural processes by farmers, Ontology code created by Chowlk
Created by Elzeard, crop planification and production process ontology represents general informations about agroecological vegetable production. This module is about the parameter description., Ontology code created by Chowlk
Created by Elzeard, crop planification and production process represents general informations about agroecological vegetable production. This module is about the administrative and network information of the farm. It specifies the admin module regarding land and plot configuration., Ontology code created by Chowlk
Created by Elzeard, crop planification and production process ontology represents general informations about agroecological vegetable production. This module is about treatments informations., Ontology code created by Chowlk
Created by Elzeard, crop planification and production process ontology represents general informations about agroecological vegetable production. This module is about the time description., Ontology code created by Chowlk
Part of C3PO, the vocabulary module is a SKOS vocabulary working as a closed list to share instances between all C3PO modules specific object properties, An RDF vocabulary for describing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', other types of controlled vocabulary, and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies.