Meat Thesaurus (MEAT-T)
Last submission date February 13, 2022
ID http://opendata.inrae.fr/ThViande/C940
Preferred name

livestock producer

Any person who raises livestock for breeding or production. It is estimated that in France, where there are 440,000 farms, 40% of which have a livestock production activity, there are about 100,000 professional livestock producers all or part of whose income comes from different livestock productions (meat, charcuterie, poultry). In the 28 European Union nations, there are 10.8 millions farms, half of them in Poland and Romania. It is estimated that one out of five farms has a livestock production activity. Worldwide, livestock producers are a very large part of the farming population, undoubtedly a majority but statistics are not precise. The FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) estimates the number of poor livestock producers in the world, barely subsisting thanks to their herd, even a single animal, at 1.1 billion.
In schemes
Type http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Subject Author Type Created
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