Created by Elzeard, the Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology represents general informations about agroecological production. This module is about the general crop informations.
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Part of the C3PO ontology, the plant module represents the knowledge about plants required for agricultural practices, Ontology code created by Chowlk
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Initial created on
August 25, 2022.
For additional information, contact
Baptiste (
The ontology is made to be used to represent agricultural knowledge specific to plant
Methodology and provenance
Created with
Accrual method
Manual development with multiple iteration
Accrual periodicity
Update every month
Competency question
What is the plant's botanical family ?
What is the plant's usage family ?
Which plants belong to the same botanical or usage family ?
How much do the seeds of a plant weigh ?
What is the scientific name of a plant or botanical family ?
What are the different vernacular names for a plant ?
Which plants can I associate with another plant ?
What are the cultivars of a plant ?
Which plants are best grown after another ?
What is a plant's frost tolerance level ?
What is a plant's disease tolerance level ?
How much water does a plant need ?
How deep does a plant's root system go ?
How much nutrients does a plant need ?
How dirty is a plant ?
What is the conservation level of a plant ?
How seasonal is a plant's consumption ?
What is the size of a variety of plant ?
How long does it take for a plant to emerge ?
What is a plant's germination capacity ?
What air temperature is needed for a plant to emerge ?
How long does a plant grow ?
How long does it take to grow from seed to plant ?
How long does it take from seed to harvest ?
How long does the plant grow until it is harvested ?
What air temperature is needed for a plant to grow ?
How long does it take to harvest a plant ?
How long can a plant be stored ?
What air temperature is needed to preserve a plant ?
What are a plant's nutrient requirements (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and calcium) ?
How much nutrient (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium) does a plant export ?
How long does it take for a plant to return to the plot ?
Where does variety seed come from ?
What is the earliness stage of a variety ?
What are the physical characteristics of a variety ?
Created by Elzeard, the Crop Planification and Production Process Ontology represents general informations about agroecological production. This module is about the general crop informations.