Plant Ontology (PO)
Last submission date April 18, 2024
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androecium of upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (narrow)


The androecium also has as parts any staminodes (PO:0009077) that may be present in a flower. If annotating gene expression to an androecium with a single stamen (PO:0009029), the annotation should go on stamen. If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006353), lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006351), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352), tassel floret (PO:0006310), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006313), lower floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006315), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel (PO:0006314), upper floret of sessile spikelet of tassel (PO:0006316). The development of an androecium in an ear floret of a normal maize plant is aborted and is present in a rudimentary state, while the development of an androecium in a tassel floret leads to a functional androecium.

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