@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inrae.fr/ThViande/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> . ns0:C1032 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1220 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C124 skos:related ns0:C1351 . ns0:C128 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1351 metadata_def:mappingLoom "game" ; metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1351 ; a owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ; skos:definition """All wild land animals that are hunted for meat. The term also designates the meat from these animals. In the tropics, game is called “bush meat” (1 million tons a year). There are two main categories of game: • Game birds: wild ducks, pheasants, doves, partridges…, • Ground game: mammals (wild rabbits, hares, boars, red deer, roe deer, hinds, fallow deer…). There are also the following subdivisions: • Water fowl for birds hunted in swamps or alongside ponds or rivers (wild ducks, moorhens, etc.), • Large game for mammals like boars or cervids. The meat of animals usually hunted but domesticated for consumption (quails, pheasants, etc.) is sometimes sold under the name of game. The meat of large game, especially those of the Cervidae family – red deer, roe deer – is called venison . To go a little further: Hunting is a regulated activity (permit, periods, types and number of animals and so on). Poaching (illegal hunting) is a crime punishable by imprisonment in France. As game can cause major damage to crops, a compensation system to which hunters contribute has been created in certain countries, including France."""@en, """Ensemble des animaux terrestres sauvages que l’on chasse pour en consommer la viande. Ce terme désigne aussi la viande issue des animaux chassés. En zone tropicale, on parle de «viande de brousse» (1 million de tonnes par an). On distingue : • Gibier à plumes : oiseaux (canards sauvages, faisans, tourterelle, perdrix…). • Gibier à poils : mammifères (lapin de garenne, lièvre, sanglier, cerf, chevreuil, biche, daim…). Et les subdivisions : • Gibier d’eau pour les oiseaux chassés au marais, en bord d’étang ou de rivière (canard sauvage, poule d’eau). • Gros gibier pour les mammifères de grande taille (sanglier, cervidé etc.) Sous le nom de gibier sont parfois vendues des viandes d’animaux habituellement chassés mais domestiqués à des fins de consommation (cailles, faisans etc.). La viande des grands gibiers – cerfs, chevreuils, sanglier – est la venaison. Pour aller plus loin: la chasse est une activité réglementée (permis, périodes, types et nombre d’animaux…). Le braconnage (chasse illégale) est un délit passible de prison en France. Le gibier pouvant occasionner des dégâts importants aux cultures, un système d’indemnisation alimenté par les chasseurs a été mis en place dans certains pays dont la France."""@fr ; skos:inScheme ns0:MeatThesaurus ; skos:narrower ns0:C1032, ns0:C1220, ns0:C128, ns0:C1476, ns0:C1477, ns0:C1479, ns0:C1480, ns0:C1586, ns0:C240, ns0:C390, ns0:C546, ns0:C651, ns0:C910, ns0:C934, ns0:C95 ; skos:prefLabel "game"@en, "gibier"@fr ; skos:topConceptOf ns0:MeatThesaurus . ns0:C1476 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1477 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1479 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1480 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C1586 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C240 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C390 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C546 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C651 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C910 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C934 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:C95 skos:broader ns0:C1351 . ns0:MeatThesaurus skos:hasTopConcept ns0:C1351 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inrae.fr/ThViande/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:related ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    metadata_def:mappingLoom "game" ;
    metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1351 ;
    a owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ;
    skos:definition """All wild land animals that are hunted for meat. The term also designates the meat from these animals. In the tropics, game is called “bush meat” (1 million tons a year).
There are two main categories of game: 
• Game birds: wild ducks, pheasants, doves, partridges…, 
• Ground game: mammals (wild rabbits, hares, boars, red deer, roe deer, hinds, fallow deer…). 
There are also the following subdivisions: 
• Water fowl for birds hunted in swamps or alongside ponds or rivers (wild ducks, moorhens, etc.), 
• Large game for mammals like boars or cervids.
The meat of animals usually hunted but domesticated for consumption (quails, pheasants, etc.) is sometimes sold under the name of game. The meat of large game, especially those of the Cervidae family – red deer, roe deer – is called venison . 
To go a little further: Hunting is a regulated activity (permit, periods, types and number of animals and so on). Poaching (illegal hunting) is a crime punishable by imprisonment in France. As game can cause major damage to crops, a compensation system to which hunters contribute has been created in certain countries, including France."""@en, """Ensemble des animaux terrestres sauvages que l’on chasse pour en consommer la viande. Ce terme désigne aussi la viande issue des animaux chassés. En zone tropicale, on parle de «viande de brousse» (1 million de tonnes par an). On distingue : 
• Gibier à plumes : oiseaux (canards sauvages, faisans, tourterelle, perdrix…). 
• Gibier à poils : mammifères (lapin de garenne, lièvre, sanglier, cerf, chevreuil, biche, daim…). Et les subdivisions :
• Gibier d’eau pour les oiseaux chassés au marais, en bord d’étang ou de rivière (canard sauvage, poule d’eau). 
• Gros gibier pour les mammifères de grande taille (sanglier, cervidé etc.) Sous le nom de gibier sont parfois vendues des viandes d’animaux habituellement chassés mais domestiqués à des fins de consommation (cailles, faisans etc.). La viande des grands gibiers – cerfs, chevreuils, sanglier – est la venaison. Pour aller plus loin: la chasse est une activité réglementée (permis, périodes, types et nombre d’animaux…). Le braconnage (chasse illégale) est un délit passible de prison en France. Le gibier pouvant occasionner des dégâts importants aux cultures, un système d’indemnisation alimenté par les chasseurs a été mis en place dans certains pays dont la France."""@fr ;
    skos:inScheme ns0:MeatThesaurus ;
    skos:narrower ns0:C1032, ns0:C1220, ns0:C128, ns0:C1476, ns0:C1477, ns0:C1479, ns0:C1480, ns0:C1586, ns0:C240, ns0:C390, ns0:C546, ns0:C651, ns0:C910, ns0:C934, ns0:C95 ;
    skos:prefLabel "game"@en, "gibier"@fr ;
    skos:topConceptOf ns0:MeatThesaurus .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1351 .

    skos:hasTopConcept ns0:C1351 .