@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix ns0: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/gacs/> . @prefix ns1: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/vocab#> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> . @prefix ns2: <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/> . @prefix ns3: <http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/> . @prefix ns4: <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/> . @prefix ns5: <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/> . @prefix ns6: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/> . @prefix skosxl: <http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#> . ns0:C10344 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C11226 skos:broader ns0:C1895 . ns0:C13370 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C17965 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C1895 metadata_def:mappingLoom "eggs" ; metadata_def:mappingRest <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/4dec3880-ba6c-0136-9488-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8af85ff0-ba6a-0136-922a-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8b62c3b0-b8d5-0136-2d2b-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8c5cf800-b8d5-0136-2d2f-525400026749>, ns5:b803a650-bb3f-0136-bab1-525400026749, ns5:febcf230-b9ac-0136-5f60-525400026749 ; metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1895 ; ns1:productOf ns0:C3679 ; a ns1:Product, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ; skos:altLabel "Frischei"@de, "Huevos frescos"@es, "Jaja spożywcze"@pl, "Oeuf frais"@fr, "Ovo"@pt, "Ovo fresco"@pt, "Uova fresche"@it, "fresh eggs"@en, "friss tojás"@hu, "hen eggs"@en, "huevos de gallina"@es, "taze yumurta"@tr, "čerstvá vejce"@cs, "čerstvé vajcia"@sk, "свежие яйца"@ru, "تخم‌هاي تازه"@fa, "ताजे अण्डे"@hi, "తాజా గుడ్లు"@te, "ไข่สด"@th, "ໄຂ່ສົດ"@lo, "新鮮卵"@ja, "鲜蛋"@zh, "생계란"@ko ; skos:broader ns0:C4074 ; skos:definition ns0:def_cb8c1100 ; skos:exactMatch ns3:c_2502, <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/42086>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/24837> ; skos:inScheme ns6:gacs-core ; skos:narrowMatch <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/34829>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/35958>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/35959>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/75629> ; skos:narrower ns0:C11226, ns0:C22536, ns0:C8574 ; skos:prefLabel "Ei"@de, "Jaja konsumpcyjne"@pl, "Oeuf"@fr, "Telur"@ms, "Uova"@it, "eggs"@en, "eieren"@nl, "huevos"@es, "ovos"@pt, "tojás"@hu, "vajcia"@sk, "vejce"@cs, "yumurta"@tr, "яйца"@ru, "بيض"@ar, "تخم‌ها (تغذیه)"@fa, "अंडे"@hi, "గుడ్లు"@te, "ไข่"@th, "ໄຂ່"@lo, "卵"@ja, "蛋"@zh, "알"@ko ; skos:related ns0:C10344, ns0:C13370, ns0:C17965, ns0:C19131, ns0:C2000, ns0:C20229, ns0:C22486, ns0:C23874, ns0:C24989, ns0:C26139, ns0:C26313, ns0:C30150, ns0:C31686, ns0:C4118, ns0:C7026, ns0:C7778, ns0:C9817, ns0:C9874 ; skos:scopeNote "D'oiseau ou de reptile utilise pour la nourriture; pour les autres oeufs utiliser <5454>"@fr, "De aves o réptiles usados para la alimentación; en otros casos use <5454>"@es, "For eggs as germ cells use 'ova'."@en, "Kuşların ya da sürüngenlerin gıda için tüketilen yumurtaları; üremedeki yumurta için <5454> kodlu terimi kullan"@tr, "Madarak, ill. hüllok tojása; Pete: <5454>"@hu, "Of birds or reptiles used for food; for other eggs use <5454>"@en, "Ovos de aves ou répteis usados como alimento; para outros casos usar <5454>"@pt, "Ptaków lub gadów używane jako żywność; dla komórki jajowej używaj <5454>"@pl, "Uova di uccelli o rettili utilizzate come alimento; per altre uova usare <5454>"@it, "Use for eggs as embryonic structures; for the female germ cell USE ova; for the group of eggs (ova) laid by a female in a single egg-laying event USE egg masses; for eggs as food USE egg products or one of its narrower terms."@en, "Utilice la palabra huevos para referirse a las estructuras embrionarias. Para aludir a la célula germinal femenina, USE la palabra óvulo. Para referirse al grupo de huevos (óvulos) puestos por una hembra en una sola postura, UTILICE el término masas de huevos. Para hacer alusión a los huevos como alimento, USE el término productos derivados del huevo o un término más restringido."@es, "Von Voegeln oder Reptilien zum Verzehr; fuer andere Eier <5454> benutzen"@de, "تخم پرندگان یا خزندگان که برای تغذیه کاربرد دارد؛ برای سایر تخم‌ها به کار برید \"\"تخمک‌ها\"\""@fa, "ไข่ของสัตว์ปีกหรือสัตว์เลื้อยคลานที่ใช้เป็นอาหาร, สำหรับไข่อื่นๆ ใช้ <5454>"@th, "ຂອງສັດປີກ ຫຼື ສັດເລືອຄານ ທີ່ນຳມາໃຊ້ເປັນອາຫານ; ສຳລັບໄຂ່ຢ່າງອື່ນ ໃຫ້ໃຊ້ <5454>"@lo ; skosxl:altLabel ns0:xl_cs_8cd276d4, ns0:xl_de_0e35bcc0, ns0:xl_en_4f9af958, ns0:xl_en_924de570, ns0:xl_es_a822b0f4, ns0:xl_es_fa7fd536, ns0:xl_fa_f56b5434, ns0:xl_fr_06c0fcb1, ns0:xl_hi_ffe9d147, ns0:xl_hu_a64fd21d, ns0:xl_it_1a8d37e4, ns0:xl_ja_51f07536, ns0:xl_ko_2e0d0b4f, ns0:xl_lo_12f08ebb, ns0:xl_pl_3801051b, ns0:xl_pt_0bd9f4db, ns0:xl_pt_89e4a50d, ns0:xl_ru_e43ae457, ns0:xl_sk_d0c4bec3, ns0:xl_te_6a6f445b, ns0:xl_th_d57f4120, ns0:xl_tr_478dff23, ns0:xl_zh_efb51746 ; skosxl:prefLabel ns0:xl_ar_a81791ff, ns0:xl_cs_3c569e7c, ns0:xl_de_65e58b23, ns0:xl_en_98250262, ns0:xl_es_e9756e92, ns0:xl_fa_bf954837, ns0:xl_fr_4748bb6d, ns0:xl_hi_540716fa, ns0:xl_hu_fef62890, ns0:xl_it_540cde84, ns0:xl_ja_cdb2930d, ns0:xl_ko_e53d9099, ns0:xl_lo_24903a6c, ns0:xl_ms_e8bc045a, ns0:xl_nl_f527d43f, ns0:xl_pl_9df2323b, ns0:xl_pt_eec814d3, ns0:xl_ru_e526ca91, ns0:xl_sk_0e75670f, ns0:xl_te_e4a5dcd4, ns0:xl_th_b7ea2084, ns0:xl_tr_0db82b04, ns0:xl_zh_54e5bf59 . ns0:C19131 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C2000 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C20229 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C22486 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C22536 skos:broader ns0:C1895 . ns0:C23874 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C24989 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C26139 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C26313 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C30150 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C31686 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C3679 ns1:hasProduct ns0:C1895 . ns0:C4074 skos:narrower ns0:C1895 . ns0:C4118 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C7026 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C7778 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C8574 skos:broader ns0:C1895 . ns0:C9817 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:C9874 skos:related ns0:C1895 . ns0:G_SX skos:member ns0:C1895 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/gacs/> .
@prefix ns1: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/vocab#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix ns2: <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/> .
@prefix ns3: <http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/> .
@prefix ns4: <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/> .
@prefix ns5: <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/> .
@prefix ns6: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/> .
@prefix skosxl: <http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#> .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    metadata_def:mappingLoom "eggs" ;
    metadata_def:mappingRest <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/4dec3880-ba6c-0136-9488-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8af85ff0-ba6a-0136-922a-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8b62c3b0-b8d5-0136-2d2b-525400026749>, <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/8c5cf800-b8d5-0136-2d2f-525400026749>, ns5:b803a650-bb3f-0136-bab1-525400026749, ns5:febcf230-b9ac-0136-5f60-525400026749 ;
    metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1895 ;
    ns1:productOf ns0:C3679 ;
    a ns1:Product, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ;
    skos:altLabel "Frischei"@de, "Huevos frescos"@es, "Jaja spożywcze"@pl, "Oeuf frais"@fr, "Ovo"@pt, "Ovo fresco"@pt, "Uova fresche"@it, "fresh eggs"@en, "friss tojás"@hu, "hen eggs"@en, "huevos de gallina"@es, "taze yumurta"@tr, "čerstvá vejce"@cs, "čerstvé vajcia"@sk, "свежие яйца"@ru, "تخم‌هاي تازه"@fa, "ताजे अण्डे"@hi, "తాజా గుడ్లు"@te, "ไข่สด"@th, "ໄຂ່ສົດ"@lo, "新鮮卵"@ja, "鲜蛋"@zh, "생계란"@ko ;
    skos:broader ns0:C4074 ;
    skos:definition ns0:def_cb8c1100 ;
    skos:exactMatch ns3:c_2502, <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/42086>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/24837> ;
    skos:inScheme ns6:gacs-core ;
    skos:narrowMatch <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/34829>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/35958>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/35959>, <http://lod.nal.usda.gov/nalt/75629> ;
    skos:narrower ns0:C11226, ns0:C22536, ns0:C8574 ;
    skos:prefLabel "Ei"@de, "Jaja konsumpcyjne"@pl, "Oeuf"@fr, "Telur"@ms, "Uova"@it, "eggs"@en, "eieren"@nl, "huevos"@es, "ovos"@pt, "tojás"@hu, "vajcia"@sk, "vejce"@cs, "yumurta"@tr, "яйца"@ru, "بيض"@ar, "تخم‌ها (تغذیه)"@fa, "अंडे"@hi, "గుడ్లు"@te, "ไข่"@th, "ໄຂ່"@lo, "卵"@ja, "蛋"@zh, "알"@ko ;
    skos:related ns0:C10344, ns0:C13370, ns0:C17965, ns0:C19131, ns0:C2000, ns0:C20229, ns0:C22486, ns0:C23874, ns0:C24989, ns0:C26139, ns0:C26313, ns0:C30150, ns0:C31686, ns0:C4118, ns0:C7026, ns0:C7778, ns0:C9817, ns0:C9874 ;
    skos:scopeNote "D'oiseau ou de reptile utilise pour la nourriture; pour les autres oeufs utiliser <5454>"@fr, "De aves o réptiles usados para la alimentación; en otros casos use <5454>"@es, "For eggs as germ cells use 'ova'."@en, "Kuşların ya da sürüngenlerin gıda için tüketilen yumurtaları; üremedeki yumurta için <5454> kodlu terimi kullan"@tr, "Madarak, ill. hüllok tojása; Pete: <5454>"@hu, "Of birds or reptiles used for food; for other eggs use <5454>"@en, "Ovos de aves ou répteis usados como alimento; para outros casos usar <5454>"@pt, "Ptaków lub gadów używane jako żywność; dla komórki jajowej używaj <5454>"@pl, "Uova di uccelli o rettili utilizzate come alimento; per altre uova usare <5454>"@it, "Use for eggs as embryonic structures; for the female germ cell USE ova; for the group of eggs (ova) laid by a female in a single egg-laying event USE egg masses; for eggs as food USE egg products or one of its narrower terms."@en, "Utilice la palabra huevos para referirse a las estructuras embrionarias. Para aludir a la célula germinal femenina, USE la palabra óvulo. Para referirse al grupo de huevos (óvulos) puestos por una hembra en una sola postura, UTILICE el término masas de huevos. Para hacer alusión a los huevos como alimento, USE el término productos derivados del huevo o un término más restringido."@es, "Von Voegeln oder Reptilien zum Verzehr; fuer andere Eier <5454> benutzen"@de, "تخم پرندگان یا خزندگان که برای تغذیه کاربرد دارد؛ برای سایر تخم‌ها به کار برید \"\"تخمک‌ها\"\""@fa, "ไข่ของสัตว์ปีกหรือสัตว์เลื้อยคลานที่ใช้เป็นอาหาร, สำหรับไข่อื่นๆ ใช้ <5454>"@th, "ຂອງສັດປີກ ຫຼື ສັດເລືອຄານ ທີ່ນຳມາໃຊ້ເປັນອາຫານ; ສຳລັບໄຂ່ຢ່າງອື່ນ ໃຫ້ໃຊ້ <5454>"@lo ;
    skosxl:altLabel ns0:xl_cs_8cd276d4, ns0:xl_de_0e35bcc0, ns0:xl_en_4f9af958, ns0:xl_en_924de570, ns0:xl_es_a822b0f4, ns0:xl_es_fa7fd536, ns0:xl_fa_f56b5434, ns0:xl_fr_06c0fcb1, ns0:xl_hi_ffe9d147, ns0:xl_hu_a64fd21d, ns0:xl_it_1a8d37e4, ns0:xl_ja_51f07536, ns0:xl_ko_2e0d0b4f, ns0:xl_lo_12f08ebb, ns0:xl_pl_3801051b, ns0:xl_pt_0bd9f4db, ns0:xl_pt_89e4a50d, ns0:xl_ru_e43ae457, ns0:xl_sk_d0c4bec3, ns0:xl_te_6a6f445b, ns0:xl_th_d57f4120, ns0:xl_tr_478dff23, ns0:xl_zh_efb51746 ;
    skosxl:prefLabel ns0:xl_ar_a81791ff, ns0:xl_cs_3c569e7c, ns0:xl_de_65e58b23, ns0:xl_en_98250262, ns0:xl_es_e9756e92, ns0:xl_fa_bf954837, ns0:xl_fr_4748bb6d, ns0:xl_hi_540716fa, ns0:xl_hu_fef62890, ns0:xl_it_540cde84, ns0:xl_ja_cdb2930d, ns0:xl_ko_e53d9099, ns0:xl_lo_24903a6c, ns0:xl_ms_e8bc045a, ns0:xl_nl_f527d43f, ns0:xl_pl_9df2323b, ns0:xl_pt_eec814d3, ns0:xl_ru_e526ca91, ns0:xl_sk_0e75670f, ns0:xl_te_e4a5dcd4, ns0:xl_th_b7ea2084, ns0:xl_tr_0db82b04, ns0:xl_zh_54e5bf59 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    ns1:hasProduct ns0:C1895 .

    skos:narrower ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:related ns0:C1895 .

    skos:member ns0:C1895 .