@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix ns0: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/gacs/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix ns1: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/vocab#> . @prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> . @prefix ns2: <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/> . @prefix ns3: <http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/> . @prefix ns4: <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/> . @prefix ns5: <भौतिक/> . @prefix ns6: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/> . @prefix skosxl: <http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#> . ns0:C10163 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C10423 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C1094 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C117 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C1196 metadata_def:mappingLoom "health" ; metadata_def:mappingRest <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/13779d90-b8dc-0136-35a9-525400026749> ; metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1196 ; a ns1:Topic, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ; skos:altLabel "Boa condição física"@pt, "Forma fisica"@it, "Sprawność fizyczna"@pl, "fizikai fittség"@hu, "fiziksel zindelik"@tr, "fyzická způsobilost"@cs, "физическая форма (здоровье)"@ru, "تناسب فيزيكي"@fa, "भौतिक/ शारीरिक अनुकूलता"@hi, "ความพร้อมทางกายภาพ"@th, "肉体的健康、体力"@ja, "身体健全"@zh, "육체적적성"@ko ; skos:broader ns0:C1589 ; skos:definition ns0:def_62e2b373 ; skos:exactMatch ns3:c_3511, <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/55383> ; skos:inScheme ns6:gacs-core ; skos:narrower ns0:C12919, ns0:C13397, ns0:C15, ns0:C15035, ns0:C18515, ns0:C29441, ns0:C3039, ns0:C31085 ; skos:prefLabel "Gesundheit"@de, "Salute"@it, "Santé"@fr, "Zdrowie"@pl, "egészség"@hu, "gezondheid"@nl, "health"@en, "salud"@es, "saúde"@pt, "sağlık"@tr, "sănătate"@mo, "zdravie"@sk, "zdraví"@cs, "здоровье"@ru, "سلامتی"@fa, "صحة"@ar, "स्वास्थ्य"@hi, "ఆరోగ్యం"@te, "สุขภาพ"@th, "ສຸຂະພາບ"@lo, "健康"@ja, "健康"@zh, "건강"@ko ; skos:related ns0:C10163, ns0:C10423, ns0:C1094, ns0:C117, ns0:C13101, ns0:C14500, ns0:C16145, ns0:C17417, ns0:C19157, ns0:C31484, ns0:C4292, ns0:C4655, ns0:C4935, ns0:C584, ns0:C6968, ns0:C7052, ns0:C7251, ns0:C743 ; skos:scopeNote "Con relación a los seres humanos; para los animales use <431>; para las plantas use <25398>"@es, "Emberekkel kapcsolatos; Állatok esetén: <431>; Növények esetén: <25398>"@hu, "In Bezug auf den Menschen; fuer Nutzvieh <431> benutzen; fuer Pflanzen <25398> benutzen"@de, "Referitor la om; pentru animale, a se utiliza <431>; pentru plante, a se utilza <25398>"@mo, "Relating to man; for livestock use <431>; for plants use <25398>"@en, "Relativa ao homem; para os animais usar <431>; para as plantas usar <25398>"@pt, "Relative à l'homme; pour les animaux utiliser <431>; pour les plantes utiliser <25398>"@fr, "Riferito all'uomo; per il bestiame usare <431>; per le piante usare <25398>"@it, "Ve vztahu k èlovìku; pro zvíøata USE ZDRAVÍ ZVÍØAT"@cs, "W odniesieniu do ludzi; dla zwierząt użyj: <431>; dla upraw : <25398>"@pl, "İnsanlar için kullan; hayvanlar için <431> kodlu terimi; bitkiler için <25398> kodlu terimi kullan"@tr, "เกี่ยวกับสุขภาพของคน, สำหรับสัตว์ใช้ <431>, สำหรับพืชใช้ <25398>"@th, "ກ່ຽວກັບຄົນ; ສຳລັບສັດ ໃຊ້ <431>; ສຳລັບພືດ ໃຊ້ <25398>"@lo ; skosxl:altLabel ns0:xl_cs_27d8cc8d, ns0:xl_fa_a7a6c2ac, ns0:xl_hi_a8a1c478, ns0:xl_hu_0499187d, ns0:xl_it_af6623b5, ns0:xl_ja_15cbc59f, ns0:xl_ko_0d2275a1, ns0:xl_pl_fbfb15f4, ns0:xl_pt_901a5736, ns0:xl_ru_b2a5da94, ns0:xl_th_11821276, ns0:xl_tr_930f1b6f, ns0:xl_zh_04bb5a7e ; skosxl:prefLabel ns0:xl_ar_70821803, ns0:xl_cs_0d384834, ns0:xl_de_04a3fbdb, ns0:xl_en_be6cf28e, ns0:xl_es_e456f4e2, ns0:xl_fa_993a3113, ns0:xl_fr_5ae5f184, ns0:xl_hi_839c3347, ns0:xl_hu_17e4bfdd, ns0:xl_it_fcca6796, ns0:xl_ja_234520ad, ns0:xl_ko_5e1fb9ea, ns0:xl_lo_b5ccca87, ns0:xl_mo_7af1906f, ns0:xl_nl_36809aa9, ns0:xl_pl_346c8971, ns0:xl_pt_d452b401, ns0:xl_ru_d36cdeb7, ns0:xl_sk_32d85697, ns0:xl_te_140374dd, ns0:xl_th_7dcd0160, ns0:xl_tr_9ebabfb4, ns0:xl_zh_105b8a58 . ns0:C12919 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C13101 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C13397 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C14500 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C15 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C15035 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C1589 skos:narrower ns0:C1196 . ns0:C16145 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C17417 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C18515 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C19157 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C29441 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C3039 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C31085 skos:broader ns0:C1196 . ns0:C31484 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C4292 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C4655 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C4935 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C584 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C6968 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C7052 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C7251 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:C743 skos:related ns0:C1196 . ns0:G_PQ skos:member ns0:C1196 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/gacs/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix ns1: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/vocab#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix ns2: <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/> .
@prefix ns3: <http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/> .
@prefix ns4: <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/> .
@prefix ns5: <भौतिक/> .
@prefix ns6: <http://id.agrisemantics.org/> .
@prefix skosxl: <http://www.w3.org/2008/05/skos-xl#> .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    metadata_def:mappingLoom "health" ;
    metadata_def:mappingRest <http://data.bioontology.org/rest_backup_mappings/13779d90-b8dc-0136-35a9-525400026749> ;
    metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:C1196 ;
    a ns1:Topic, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ;
    skos:altLabel "Boa condição física"@pt, "Forma fisica"@it, "Sprawność fizyczna"@pl, "fizikai fittség"@hu, "fiziksel zindelik"@tr, "fyzická způsobilost"@cs, "физическая форма (здоровье)"@ru, "تناسب فيزيكي"@fa, "भौतिक/ शारीरिक अनुकूलता"@hi, "ความพร้อมทางกายภาพ"@th, "肉体的健康、体力"@ja, "身体健全"@zh, "육체적적성"@ko ;
    skos:broader ns0:C1589 ;
    skos:definition ns0:def_62e2b373 ;
    skos:exactMatch ns3:c_3511, <http://id.cabi.org/cabt/55383> ;
    skos:inScheme ns6:gacs-core ;
    skos:narrower ns0:C12919, ns0:C13397, ns0:C15, ns0:C15035, ns0:C18515, ns0:C29441, ns0:C3039, ns0:C31085 ;
    skos:prefLabel "Gesundheit"@de, "Salute"@it, "Santé"@fr, "Zdrowie"@pl, "egészség"@hu, "gezondheid"@nl, "health"@en, "salud"@es, "saúde"@pt, "sağlık"@tr, "sănătate"@mo, "zdravie"@sk, "zdraví"@cs, "здоровье"@ru, "سلامتی"@fa, "صحة"@ar, "स्वास्थ्य"@hi, "ఆరోగ్యం"@te, "สุขภาพ"@th, "ສຸຂະພາບ"@lo, "健康"@ja, "健康"@zh, "건강"@ko ;
    skos:related ns0:C10163, ns0:C10423, ns0:C1094, ns0:C117, ns0:C13101, ns0:C14500, ns0:C16145, ns0:C17417, ns0:C19157, ns0:C31484, ns0:C4292, ns0:C4655, ns0:C4935, ns0:C584, ns0:C6968, ns0:C7052, ns0:C7251, ns0:C743 ;
    skos:scopeNote "Con relación a los seres humanos; para los animales use <431>; para las plantas use <25398>"@es, "Emberekkel kapcsolatos; Állatok esetén: <431>; Növények esetén: <25398>"@hu, "In Bezug auf den Menschen; fuer Nutzvieh <431> benutzen; fuer Pflanzen <25398> benutzen"@de, "Referitor la om; pentru animale, a se utiliza <431>; pentru plante, a se utilza <25398>"@mo, "Relating to man; for livestock use <431>; for plants use <25398>"@en, "Relativa ao homem; para os animais usar <431>; para as plantas usar <25398>"@pt, "Relative à l'homme; pour les animaux utiliser <431>; pour les plantes utiliser <25398>"@fr, "Riferito all'uomo; per il bestiame usare <431>; per le piante usare <25398>"@it, "Ve vztahu k èlovìku; pro zvíøata USE ZDRAVÍ ZVÍØAT"@cs, "W odniesieniu do ludzi; dla zwierząt użyj: <431>; dla upraw : <25398>"@pl, "İnsanlar için kullan; hayvanlar için <431> kodlu terimi; bitkiler için <25398> kodlu terimi kullan"@tr, "เกี่ยวกับสุขภาพของคน, สำหรับสัตว์ใช้ <431>, สำหรับพืชใช้ <25398>"@th, "ກ່ຽວກັບຄົນ; ສຳລັບສັດ ໃຊ້ <431>; ສຳລັບພືດ ໃຊ້ <25398>"@lo ;
    skosxl:altLabel ns0:xl_cs_27d8cc8d, ns0:xl_fa_a7a6c2ac, ns0:xl_hi_a8a1c478, ns0:xl_hu_0499187d, ns0:xl_it_af6623b5, ns0:xl_ja_15cbc59f, ns0:xl_ko_0d2275a1, ns0:xl_pl_fbfb15f4, ns0:xl_pt_901a5736, ns0:xl_ru_b2a5da94, ns0:xl_th_11821276, ns0:xl_tr_930f1b6f, ns0:xl_zh_04bb5a7e ;
    skosxl:prefLabel ns0:xl_ar_70821803, ns0:xl_cs_0d384834, ns0:xl_de_04a3fbdb, ns0:xl_en_be6cf28e, ns0:xl_es_e456f4e2, ns0:xl_fa_993a3113, ns0:xl_fr_5ae5f184, ns0:xl_hi_839c3347, ns0:xl_hu_17e4bfdd, ns0:xl_it_fcca6796, ns0:xl_ja_234520ad, ns0:xl_ko_5e1fb9ea, ns0:xl_lo_b5ccca87, ns0:xl_mo_7af1906f, ns0:xl_nl_36809aa9, ns0:xl_pl_346c8971, ns0:xl_pt_d452b401, ns0:xl_ru_d36cdeb7, ns0:xl_sk_32d85697, ns0:xl_te_140374dd, ns0:xl_th_7dcd0160, ns0:xl_tr_9ebabfb4, ns0:xl_zh_105b8a58 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:narrower ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:broader ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:related ns0:C1196 .

    skos:member ns0:C1196 .