@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix ns0: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/id/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix ns1: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/terms/> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> . @prefix ns2: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/hierarchy/main/> . @prefix ns3: <The\u0020category\u0020covers\u0020all\u0020raw\u0020vegetables\u0020and\u0020their\u0020derivatives,\u0020with\u0020the\u0020exclusion\u0020of\u0020starchy\u0020roots/> . @prefix ns4: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/corex/> . @prefix ns5: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/state/> . ns0:A00FJ metadata_def:mappingLoom "vegetablesandvegetableproducts" ; metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:A00FJ ; ns1:hierarchyCode_expo "Z0002" ; ns1:narrower_expo ns0:A00FL, ns0:A00GX, ns0:A00HN, ns0:A00KR, ns0:A00PB, ns0:A00QF, ns0:A00RR, ns0:A00SF, ns0:A00TC, ns0:A00VA, ns0:A00VQ, ns0:A00ZA, ns0:A0ESZ ; ns1:state ns5:g ; ns1:termType ns4:H ; a ns1:FoodType, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ; skos:broader ns2:expo ; skos:definition "The category covers all raw vegetables and their derivatives, with the exclusion of starchy roots/tubers, legumes (as seeds), nuts, oilseeds and spices. Fruit, though of vegetable origin, is not considered as vegetable. Same for Cocoa, coffee, tea and other vegetable materials for infusions." ; skos:inScheme ns2:expo, <http://stats-class.fao.uniroma2.it/foodex2/> ; skos:notation "A00FJ" ; skos:prefLabel "Vegetables and vegetable products"@en ; skos:scopeNote "The category covers all raw vegetables and their derivatives, with the exclusion of starchy roots/tubers, legumes (as seeds), nuts, oilseeds and spices. Fruit, though of vegetable origin, is not considered as vegetable. Same for Cocoa, coffee, tea and other vegetable materials for infusions." ; skos:topConceptOf ns2:expo . ns0:A00FL ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00GX ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00HN ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00KR ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00PB ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00QF ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00RR ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00SF ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00TC ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00VA ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00VQ ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A00ZA ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ . ns0:A0ESZ ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/id/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix ns1: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/terms/> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix ns2: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/hierarchy/main/> .
@prefix ns3: <The\u0020category\u0020covers\u0020all\u0020raw\u0020vegetables\u0020and\u0020their\u0020derivatives,\u0020with\u0020the\u0020exclusion\u0020of\u0020starchy\u0020roots/> .
@prefix ns4: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/corex/> .
@prefix ns5: <http://data.food.gov.uk/codes/foodtype/def/state/> .

    metadata_def:mappingLoom "vegetablesandvegetableproducts" ;
    metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:A00FJ ;
    ns1:hierarchyCode_expo "Z0002" ;
    ns1:narrower_expo ns0:A00FL, ns0:A00GX, ns0:A00HN, ns0:A00KR, ns0:A00PB, ns0:A00QF, ns0:A00RR, ns0:A00SF, ns0:A00TC, ns0:A00VA, ns0:A00VQ, ns0:A00ZA, ns0:A0ESZ ;
    ns1:state ns5:g ;
    ns1:termType ns4:H ;
    a ns1:FoodType, owl:NamedIndividual, skos:Concept ;
    skos:broader ns2:expo ;
    skos:definition "The category covers all raw vegetables and their derivatives, with the exclusion of starchy roots/tubers, legumes (as seeds), nuts, oilseeds and spices. Fruit, though of vegetable origin, is not considered as vegetable. Same for Cocoa, coffee, tea and other vegetable materials for infusions." ;
    skos:inScheme ns2:expo, <http://stats-class.fao.uniroma2.it/foodex2/> ;
    skos:notation "A00FJ" ;
    skos:prefLabel "Vegetables and vegetable products"@en ;
    skos:scopeNote "The category covers all raw vegetables and their derivatives, with the exclusion of starchy roots/tubers, legumes (as seeds), nuts, oilseeds and spices. Fruit, though of vegetable origin, is not considered as vegetable. Same for Cocoa, coffee, tea and other vegetable materials for infusions." ;
    skos:topConceptOf ns2:expo .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .

    ns1:broader_expo ns0:A00FJ .