@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inra.fr/ATOL/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> .
@prefix metadata: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/> .
metadata_def:mappingLoom "milkmetalloproteinaseactivity" ;
metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:ATOL_0001749 ;
metadata_def:prefLabel "milk metalloproteinase activity" ;
metadata:prefixIRI "ATOL_0001749" ;
ns0:definitionByCirad "any measurable characteristic related to the family of enzymes from the group of proteases, classified by the nature of the most prominent functional group in their active site. These are proteolytic enzymes whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. Most metalloproteases are zinc-dependent, but some use cobalt. The metal ion is coordinated to the protein via three ligands. The ligands co-ordinating the metal ion can vary with histidine, glutamate, aspartate, lysine and arginine. The fourth coordination position is taken up by a labile water molecule."@en, "any measurable characteristic related to the family of enzymes from the group of proteases, classified by the nature of the most prominent functional group in their active site. These are proteolytic enzymes whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. Most metalloproteases are zinc-dependent, but some use cobalt. The metal ion is coordinated to the protein via three ligands. The ligands co-ordinating the metal ion can vary with histidine, glutamate, aspartate, lysine and arginine. The fourth coordination position is taken up by a labile water molecule."@fr ;
ns0:references "INRA:PHASE \"INRA PHASE\"" ;
ns0:subsetAbsent "CarpAbsent", "ChickenAbsent", "CodAbsent", "DuckAbsent", "GooseAbsent", "QuailAbsent", "SalmonAbsent", "SeaBassAbsent", "SeaBreamAbsent", "SoleAbsent", "TilapiaAbsent", "TroutAbsent", "TurkeyAbsent", "ZebraFishAbsent" ;
ns0:subsetPresent "CattlePresent", "GoatPresent", "HorsePresent", "MousePresent", "PigPresent", "RabbitPresent", "SheepPresent" ;
oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "MMPs activity" ;
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "milk metalloproteinase activity"@en, "milk metalloproteinase activity"@fr ;
rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001748 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inra.fr/ATOL/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> .
@prefix metadata: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/> .
metadata_def:mappingLoom "milkmetalloproteinaseactivity" ;
metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:ATOL_0001749 ;
metadata_def:prefLabel "milk metalloproteinase activity" ;
metadata:prefixIRI "ATOL_0001749" ;
ns0:definitionByCirad "any measurable characteristic related to the family of enzymes from the group of proteases, classified by the nature of the most prominent functional group in their active site. These are proteolytic enzymes whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. Most metalloproteases are zinc-dependent, but some use cobalt. The metal ion is coordinated to the protein via three ligands. The ligands co-ordinating the metal ion can vary with histidine, glutamate, aspartate, lysine and arginine. The fourth coordination position is taken up by a labile water molecule."@en, "any measurable characteristic related to the family of enzymes from the group of proteases, classified by the nature of the most prominent functional group in their active site. These are proteolytic enzymes whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. Most metalloproteases are zinc-dependent, but some use cobalt. The metal ion is coordinated to the protein via three ligands. The ligands co-ordinating the metal ion can vary with histidine, glutamate, aspartate, lysine and arginine. The fourth coordination position is taken up by a labile water molecule."@fr ;
ns0:references "INRA:PHASE \"INRA PHASE\"" ;
ns0:subsetAbsent "CarpAbsent", "ChickenAbsent", "CodAbsent", "DuckAbsent", "GooseAbsent", "QuailAbsent", "SalmonAbsent", "SeaBassAbsent", "SeaBreamAbsent", "SoleAbsent", "TilapiaAbsent", "TroutAbsent", "TurkeyAbsent", "ZebraFishAbsent" ;
ns0:subsetPresent "CattlePresent", "GoatPresent", "HorsePresent", "MousePresent", "PigPresent", "RabbitPresent", "SheepPresent" ;
oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "MMPs activity" ;
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "milk metalloproteinase activity"@en, "milk metalloproteinase activity"@fr ;
rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001748 .