@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inra.fr/ATOL/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> . @prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> . @prefix metadata: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/> . ns0:ATOL_0001648 metadata_def:mappingLoom "technologicalyieldofmeat" ; metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:ATOL_0001648 ; metadata_def:prefLabel "technological yield of meat" ; metadata:prefixIRI "ATOL_0001648" ; ns0:definitionByCirad "any measurable characteristic related to the decrease in the weight of a cut of meat after a process like curing, salting, smoking and cooking, mostly due to moisture loss"@en, "toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la baisse du poids d'un morceau de viande après un procédé comme la salaison, la fumaison et la cuisson, principalement à cause d'une perte d'humidité"@fr ; ns0:references "INRA:PHASE \"INRA PHASE\"" ; ns0:subsetAbsent "GoatAbsent", "HorseAbsent", "MouseAbsent", "SoleAbsent", "ZebraFishAbsent" ; ns0:subsetPresent "CarpPresent", "CattlePresent", "ChickenPresent", "CodPresent", "DuckPresent", "GoosePresent", "PigPresent", "QuailPresent", "RabbitPresent", "SalmonPresent", "SeaBassPresent", "SeaBreamPresent", "SheepPresent", "TilapiaPresent", "TroutPresent", "TurkeyPresent" ; oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "flesh technological yield" ; a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "rendement technologique de la viande"@fr, "technological yield of meat"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001671 . ns0:ATOL_0001833 rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001648 . ns0:ATOL_0002140 rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001648 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://opendata.inra.fr/ATOL/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix metadata_def: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/def/> .
@prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> .
@prefix metadata: <http://data.bioontology.org/metadata/> .

    metadata_def:mappingLoom "technologicalyieldofmeat" ;
    metadata_def:mappingSameURI ns0:ATOL_0001648 ;
    metadata_def:prefLabel "technological yield of meat" ;
    metadata:prefixIRI "ATOL_0001648" ;
    ns0:definitionByCirad "any measurable characteristic related to the decrease in the weight of a cut of meat after a process like curing, salting, smoking and cooking, mostly due to moisture loss"@en, "toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la baisse du poids d'un morceau de viande après un procédé comme la salaison, la fumaison et la cuisson, principalement à cause d'une perte d'humidité"@fr ;
    ns0:references "INRA:PHASE \"INRA PHASE\"" ;
    ns0:subsetAbsent "GoatAbsent", "HorseAbsent", "MouseAbsent", "SoleAbsent", "ZebraFishAbsent" ;
    ns0:subsetPresent "CarpPresent", "CattlePresent", "ChickenPresent", "CodPresent", "DuckPresent", "GoosePresent", "PigPresent", "QuailPresent", "RabbitPresent", "SalmonPresent", "SeaBassPresent", "SeaBreamPresent", "SheepPresent", "TilapiaPresent", "TroutPresent", "TurkeyPresent" ;
    oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "flesh technological yield" ;
    a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "rendement technologique de la viande"@fr, "technological yield of meat"@en ;
    rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001671 .

    rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001648 .

    rdfs:subClassOf ns0:ATOL_0001648 .