Meat Thesaurus (MEAT-T)
Last submission date February 13, 2022
ID http://opendata.inrae.fr/ThViande/C1349
Preferred name

carcass classification


Carcasses are given a codified classification on the European level: • For adult bovines and sheep, the classification takes into account conformation, with the EUROP grid, and fattening with the grid that ranges from 1, lean, to 5, very fatty. • For veal, in addition to conformation and fattening, the color is rated from white to very light pink, light pink, pink and red. • For ovines, the classification was harmonized in the European Union in 1992 using the EUROP grid. It has the following indications: - category (L lambs -12 months; S others), - conformation (in France according to the EUROP grid = E excellent; U very good; R good; O fair; P poor), - degree of fattening (from 1 very little to 5 very much). • For pork, the classification since December 2006 has been based on muscle percentage, which replaced LMC (lean meat content). The difference between the two is that the muscle percentage dissection equation takes into account only the principal cuts using the standardized Walstra and Merkus European cutting method (1996), whereas that of the LMC referred to the entire carcass. On June 30, 2008, seven instrumental methods were authorized in France in anticipation of muscle percentage. The muscle percentage index selected by the Breton Pork Market and the Plérin Pork Market for the reference category is 56%. This classification method will undoubtedly evolve with the improvement in equipment, in particular with the upcoming use of the scanner. This classification must be marked on the carcass. • For ovines, the development of an automated classification is underway and the EUROP classification is used.

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Type http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Subject Author Type Created
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