Meat Thesaurus (MEAT-T)
Last submission date February 13, 2022
ID http://opendata.inrae.fr/ThViande/C1362
Preferred name

professional organizations

The sector has numerous organizations. The most important ones are producer organizations all linked to the FNSEA. The Conféderation Paysanne (Peasant Confederation) and the Féderation française de l’agriculture (French Federation of Agriculture) also have meat producers organizations. They can be broken down as follows: • Production : FNB (National Bovine Federation), FNP (National Porcine Federation), FNO (National Ovine Federation), FNEC (National Goat Breeders Association), FNC (National Horse Federation), CFA (French Aviculture Federation), SDVF (French Calf-Rearing Sydicate). • Marketing-Industry: Coop de France–Bétail et Viande, Elvea (Associated Buyers and Breeders), FFCB (French Livestock Traders Federation), FMBV (French Livestock Markets Federation), Fedev (National Federation of Wholesale Trade and the Meat Industry– ex-FNICGV), Culture Viande (National Syndicate of the Meat Industry SNIV- SNCP), FICT (Charcuterie-Catering Industries Federation), FNEAP (National Federation of Slaughterhouse Operators-Service Providers). ° Distribution : CFBCT (French Confederation of Butchery-Charcuterie-Catering), Artisan Charcutier Traiteur de France-CNCT (National Confederation of Charcuterie Butchers-Caterers), FBHF (Horse Butchery Federation of France), FCD (Commerce and Distribution Federation).
In schemes
Type http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
Subject Author Type Created
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