Last submission date July 13, 2024
ID http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_194253
Preferred name

Brosimum alicastrum

brosimum alicastrum
maya nut
Brosimum alicastrum Sw.
LanguaL curation note: When indexing the fruit index both *BREADNUT [B1722]* and *FRUIT [C0167]* (or its more precise narrower terms).
*Brosimum alicastrum*, the breadnut or Maya nut, is a Brosimum tree species under the *Moraceae* family of flowering plants, whose other genera include fig and mulberries The plant is known by a range of names in indigenous Mesoamerican and other languages, including but not limited to: ramon,ojoche, ojite, ojushte, ujushte, ujuxte, capomo, mojo, ox, iximche , masica' in Honduras 'and uje in Michoacan Mexico. The fruit, the breadnut, is extremely high in fiber, calcium, potassium, folic acid, iron, zinc, protein and B vitamins. It has a low glycemic index (<50) and is very high in antioxidants. The fresh seeds can be cooked and eaten or can be set out to dry in the sun to roast and eaten later. Stewed the nut tastes like mashed potato, roasted it tastes like chocolate or coffee and can be prepared in numerous other dishes. In Petén, Guatemala, the breadnut is being cultivated for exportation and local consumption as powder, for hot beverages, and bread.
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